Love Has No Color
What is Love Has No Color?
It is an international project started by a group of dedicated doctors who are looking to make a better world through wellness care.
Their motto: Healthier People create a Healthier Community and a Healthier Planet.
People become healthier by expressing their fullest potential. This happens when you are under good naturopathic care, allowing you to have optimal body function, act right, think right and feel right.
Love Has No Color seeks to have the whole world expressing their fullest potential! Love Has No Color focuses on two reservations in the U.S.: Fort Peck Indian Reserve in Montana and Spirit Lake reserve in North Dakota.

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How you can get involved?
Twice a year, Heartland Naturopathic Wellness Centre collects donations for Love Has No Color. In late spring and summer, the clinic accepts donations of school supplies, sports and outdoor gear, backpacks and monetary donations for the Love Has No Color BootCamp events at Fort Peck and Spirit Lake. Then in the fall, Heartland collects new toys, boots and coats for Christmas on the Reservation.
Heartland also commits to donating 5% of any plan paid up front by our patients. So not only are you committing to helping your own health, you are committing to helping kids affected by poverty on the Fort Peck Reservation.

“Hi there! My name is Dr. Lisa Graham, N.D. I practice naturopathic wellness here in Portage la Prairie at Heartland in the Canad Inns. I have studied for 10 years in naturopathic wellness, and have had my business aiding people to reach their true physical potential since 2009.
“I joined up with Love Has No Color in 2008. It has always been a dream of mine to reach out to these children and help them become the strong, healthy adults they were meant to be. To do this, my team at Heartland and I go to Fort Peck and Spirit Lake. We bring them supplies that they need, and most of all, we bring them love! It gives us such joy to see these children treasuring the supplies, and stepping closer to wellness each day.
“I would greatly appreciate it if you would be so kind as to help us reach these kids by contributing. Lives are being changed, and the love of God is being spread.”
– Dr. Lisa Graham